
The Council High Adventure Teams of Area IV approve and develop these trail awards. These awards are provided to Cubs, Scouts, and their leaders as an incentive to develop Pack or Troop outdoor programs. A description of the awards and the requirements for earning each can be found in two publications, produced in Orange County and provided to all Councils, the Cub Adventure Awards for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts, and the High Adventure Awards for Boy Scouts and Venturing. Those award publications are published here in PDF format for download and reference.


[download id=”1233″] – [download_data id=”1233″ data=”filesize”] ([download_data id=”1233″ data=”download_count”])

[download id=”1235″] – [download_data id=”1235″ data=”filesize”] ([download_data id=”1235″ data=”download_count”])

[download id=”1247″] – [download_data id=”1247″ data=”filesize”] ([download_data id=”1247″ data=”download_count”])

[download id=”1261″] – [download_data id=”1261″ data=”filesize”] ([download_data id=”1261″ data=”download_count”])


Note: Some awards listed in the files above may no longer be available.
Check with the issuing council prior to working on them.

Click here to visit the HAT Awards information page on the Orange County Council HAT website.

